The highlight was definitely M's baptism!!! The service was simply and wonderful! So glad they called a ward mission leader that Sunday because we would have been sooo stressed without him! God is good. M seemed just so happy! M used to be a drug addict. He drank, smoked etc. He had a horrible accident as a teen that he lost one of his eyes. But he loves Jesus Christ and wanted to change, and he did! What a great guy! He is so happy to have the Holy Ghost as his "co-pilot", as he would say!
We taught M about family history and had him start a FamilySearch account! And we taught B about the temple and family history too! It is such an important work! It's probably my favorite thing to teach people!
My first exchange was great! Went to the cute little town of Poquoson. We had a good time, met some nice people, and had some good lessons! There is one lady the sisters are teaching there that does not have a religious background at all but wants to learn! They are helping her really establish a testimony in Christ - that is the key. Oh and we got to ride bikes! I miss bike riding!

We met a really neat lady named J! We were trying to find a former investigator, when we knocked on her door. We were talking to her at the door and she beckoned us in. Soon we realized that she actually was paralyzed, and could not speak. She pulled out this neat computer that spoke for her, it was so neat! The spirit was also helping us decipher what she was trying to say to us. There was a lot of hand gesturing - like charades. But she had just the sweetest smile, and we got to do just a simple bit of service for her and helped her with her dinner. I feel so blessed for the many amazing people I have met on my mission. God is so good and kind to let us meet these people.
On Saturday, the youth had a HUGE activity! It was 3 stakes combined! They had what they called a Missionary Race! Everyone was split into "countries", and they went around from station to station and played these timed games. At the end, they added up the times and whoever had the lowest time won! We helped out at the bubble gum station. We timed them to see how fast 5 people can blow a bubble. The fastest was 58 seconds! But Sister Everett and I were all, "What does this have to do with missionary work??? Nothing... missionaries cannot chew gum in public..." HAHA it was just so funny! We told each group that and had a discussion about how we are representing The Savior, and he would not chew gum :) Then they had a dance after, good times! We didn't stay, so, no worries... even though I would have loved to show off my moves!
Church was finally 3 hours! [Lisa's note: remember that it is a newly created ward and they have not had any callings in place yet so they have only been having sacrament meeting for the past two Sundays.] They needed help teaching the 14-17 year old class, so we stepped in. We talked about missionary work, of course, and about how to invite their friends. Then we had a great meeting with our bishop! There is us sisters, a set of elders, 2 Spanish companionships, and a senior couple. He is in charge of 5 sets! PHEW. So we met and just talked about his expectations and stuff. It was good, This ward is getting things together now! It's gonna be good!
Thought for the week: Are you following the prophets words? In Jacob 4:5 Jacob says how hard it was to write on the plates. It was REALLY difficult. And he just prays that we will read the words and get something from them. Especially come closer to Jesus Christ. I think that is what President Monson was saying when he spoke last conference. Read the Book of Mormon everyday because it will help you soooo much. It was written for our day. So if you aren't obeying the prophet, do it!! I have seen blessings from it. The spirit is so strong and you can really apply it to your life.
Phew another week down another one ahead! I hope y'all have a fabulous week.
Be blessed!!
Sista Poulsen
Photos: The elders killed chickens Saturday and brought us some feet... yum! Smoothies and also us being silly :P