Monday, April 17, 2017

P-Day Stands for Petting Zoo


Sisters p-day was a blast! We went to a petting zoo, it was super great! Pics to come. The llama spit on one of the sisters... man, that was hilarious!

Mike is being baptized this week and we are sooooo excited!!! He is just the best! We keep asking him what he wants at his baptism, and he is all "as long as I get baptized I don't really care... " He is so ready it's wonderful :)

We had to attend a FH class for the stake, so that was neat! I learned a bit more about FH, so mom, when I get back, we are going all out!

We are working with a bunch of less actives and they are doing so well! One came to church, and he loved it! The other is helping his son learn about the church too, I just love teaching little kids! They are so sweet, and when we talk about Jesus they just light up! We taught another one of our recent converts about the real reason for Easter yesterday, is was a great lesson. It was super spiritual and she now knows the true reason, it was wonderful :)

Elder Cook spoke to us on Saturday!!!!! We went back to good ol' Virginia Beach, It was amazing! The WHOLE mission was there, it was amazing! When we sang the hymns, we were so loud and full. We got to shake his hand, his wife's hand, and the area 70, Elder Caulerwood. They spoke a lot about repentance, and how because of this Easter season we even have the reason to repent. Christ is the whole reason we can return to live with God again. I felt the spirit just surrounding them so much, it was amazing. Then after, all the sister got together and we had our own mini training on how to be "certain woman" and not to compare ourselves with others. Then we had a massive clothing exchange, it was great!

There was a lady we met, that after she discovered we were Mormons, she was all "Oh I don't do Mormons!" We straight up asked her why and she said "Don't you, like, kill babies and do witchcraft?" We just looked at her, kind of chuckled, and said, "Where did you hear that? We don't do that whatsoever." We talked a bit more about false doctrine... and just cleared stuff up. Even though we didn't teach her anything and get her baptized, our purpose is to just help people understand what we are all about!

Then Easter was amazing!!!! Sunday was great, the songs are my favorite! The new bishopric spoke and they did a great job wrapping up the Easter message. We went around after and just shared the Easter message with everyone and had a delicious ham dinner with some members at this big Easter party they threw! It was a day full of love, and Jesus :)

Thought for the week: In one of the talks Sunday, the 2nd counselor said "After Christ appeared to His apostles, what did he tell them to do? "Feed my sheep" then the 2nd counselor said "So if you don't know what to do on this Easter day, and always, Christ has already told us: SERVE. LOVE. HELP." Boom, straight up. 'Nuff said.

Well, I hope you all had a wonderful Easter week, we should always celebrate Easter though! Sister Cook at our meeting said "When you testify of Christ, you are celebrating Easter."

Love you all, and have a blessed week full of sunshine and the Spirit of God!
Sista Poulsen