It was my first day meeting the new ward! And it is a new ward all together because of all the changes they have been doing so it was kind of a first day for everyone! It was a great meeting, and I hope we can become super unified as a ward! We have lots of work to do here with our new areas and ward and stuff. We sure have been busy!
We had a meeting with the senior couple that work on Fort Eustis and talked about how we can work on base! SOOO excited to start working with the military relations! I know you are all super jealous now, cuz we have to get all security clearance and stuff... it's gonna be cool. We are going to go to their Sunday meetings and FHEs it's gonna be so fun!
We are working with some GREAT less actives who are totally changing! They want their patriarchal blessings and to go to the temple and stuff it's sooo awesome :) Good people here.
B also came to church, BY HERSELF :O It was her first Sunday too so all the more amazing! She is sooo prepared and is excited for her baptism! She's a sweet heart.
ZONE MEETING WAS AMAZING! My training was pretty scary but we did a great job, all thanks to the spirit! We talked about how to apply what we are learning on our missions and applying it to our future lives! When we extend commitments to people, we should also keep those commitments ourselves! It was super spiritual and we got all deep in our feelings too, it was great :)
I have just felt the spirit so strong this week! It's because Sister Everette and I just talk about the gospel ALL THE TIME. So cool, I love the spirit!
We also had a meeting with just the leadership in the mission. That was cool too! President Weed is so inspired. This mission is truly lead by God.
Other than that we have just been talking to everyone and sharing the #princeofpeace video! We were talking to this kid and he was all "What happens to our bodies after we die? Like why did we get bodies, just to leave them here?" *Pause, look at the camera... smile* It was the perfect question - and so we just tied it right into the plan of salvation. It was sweet - truly feeling the missionary spirit!
Thought for the week: Remember, that this was Christ's last week on earth, so I have been studying about it. It's been great! And we had a thought. When Christ entered Jerusalem, people layed down everything for him. Garments, palms, flowers. So that got us thinking: What do we lay down for the Lord? Do we welcome Him into our home, like they did? Food for thought :)
Oh and Elder Cook [one of the 12 apostles] is coming to visit us this week... no big deal... WOWOWOWOW! SO excited!! I can't wait to tell y'all all about it!
Oh and this funny story too... don't worry we were safe :)
We had such a fun experience last night. We were in the 'sketchier' part of town and we brought a senior missionary couple. We were trying to find a guy named M in apartment 22, and we couldn't find it, so we were asking everyone (excuse to talk to everyone :D) and these neighborhood kids (about 10 of them), joined us on this hunt to find M. It was so fun!! We gave them all some cards and gave them a few extra to give away. Later on, we saw them knocking doors and handing out our cards!!!! So cute!
LOVE YOU ALL the work is sooo good! I am so happy and I have truly felt closer to my Savior and who He wants me to become. God is good y'all
Peace out. Be blessed!
Sista Poulsen
Bonus from Question Email:
Q: Your area had 2 category F2 tornadoes touch down on either side of you this week. Did you get that warning system problem figured out on your phones? What was that like?
A: Oh man yeah it's been crazy! But all is well, nothing too bad. We are getting a new phone don't worry :) The winds got crazy but no tornado where we were :) All is well. And Sister Larsen (of the senior couple) is basically our mom around here so she's got your back.
Q: Is there anything you need from here?
A: Nah. All good in the hood bro. Literally went in the hood yesterday it was rad :) we will be moving the beginning of May though to the elders apartment because we live out of our area and I am soooo not looking forward to packing again.
About Pics: Our awesome Zone, our crazy apartment, Sister Everette is the bomb! :) The underwater tunnel from last week's letter. We will take better pics today cuz it's sister p-day and we are going to the petting zoo!!!