Monday, August 8, 2016

The Haircut!!

Question: The haircut?!?!?
Answer: Here it is :) I'm loving my new do!  I put some stuff in it that makes it curly. It is usually this ugly wave unless I straighten the crap out of it which isn't good. So yeah :)
It was supes weird [the first time I washed it]! I put lots of conditioner on my hands, and I went to put it on and went "oh yeah" It takes like 30 sec to brush, so it's great! Not too much difference in humidity. I still sweat and then my little hairs plaster to my neck to that’s not too great. But I still like it a lot :)
It looks pretty different straight.  It's not weighted down anymore! He cut it off and I literally felt the weight come off, it was great!


It was a longgggg slowwww week!
Lots of knocking. We gave some book of mormons out, but a lot of people say "I have my bible." or "I know Jesus on a personal level." I just wanna say "Do you want to know Him even more? Here's more of Gods word, how cool!!!" Silly people.

Crazy cool/scary thing happened too! So... Here it goes. We were driving to an appointment. I made a wrong turn (like I do a lot) And had to flip around in this round about thing. As I was turning, we saw this lady next to her car. She looked like some FBI agent cuz she was packing. We waved and moved on. We got to our appointment and parked. Just then I noticed that she had followed us! She was on the phone, and drove by our car slowly, and parked close enough to see us, but not too close. She wasn't being very sneaky. We were a little freaked, but we just decided to walk. We walked down the street and talked to some lady outside. After we said goodbye to her and walked to our appointments house, we notice a cop car pull up next to the FBI chick. Okay, something is going down!! We talk to the guy we had the appointment with, he said he was no longer interested. So we started walking back when we noticed the cop car was now behind us, slowly coming closer to us! We watched them drive by, we smiled and waved like missionaries do. They went past us... then sharply turned in front of us and parked. DUDE! We stopped and stood awkwardly for 3.7 second while they got out of the car. One came up to us and said "Hey ladies how are ya?" We lied and said we were good when we were really confused and freaking out! He asked for out ID, and said "I'll explain what's going on in a sec." Okay... more suspense! Finally he says "So what do you ladies do?" We explained how we do service for people in this area and share a message about Jesus Christ. He replies "Oh okay, we just like to check people out that walk around and sell stuff and do stuff like you guys. We get phone calls from people asking us to check it out. So now we can just tell them we have talked to Y'all and there's nothing to worry about." PHEW! That was a relief. I was prepared to get cuffed! But it was actually pretty cool too. Sweet story :)

And yes the rumors are true... I cut off 13 inches of my hair!!! It's great! I really enjoy it a lot, I use way less shampoo. It takes seconds to comb out. It blows in the wind nicely. But is curly weird, and I look like I'm doing some throw back from the 50's. But I'm learning to work with it.

We saw something super blessed coming back from zone meeting Friday. It was a man on his motorcycle... with his dog in the back wearing goggles. It was so funny! He had like this little trailer thing for the dog to sit in and stuff. It was fab.

Other than that, just teaching people the gospel and trying (emphasize on trying) to talk to everyone! There are good days and bad days, but we are pushing through, and God sees our efforts!!

Thought for the week: "Be the Christian God wants you to be." Someone shared this in sacrament meeting yesterday. She is a Less active member we are working with. She came to church she said because God told her to go! He told her that He blesses you each day with safety on the roads. Each day to get up and go to work. All He asks is 3 hours on Sunday. He really asks very little of us. And He has promised us to many things in return! So let's just decide to follow Him, and receive so many good things :)

Hope you have an exciting week! School is fast approaching, so don't let summer go to waste!!
Love you all lots, have a blessed week!
Sista Poulsen

Some fun pics from our adventurous week :)

  • Us on This random couch in front of our investigators house.
  • The elders pranked us :P
  • Someone you might recognize. (Lisa says: This is a spanish speaking sister serving in North Logan right now!  She is from Sister Poulsen's current stake - They switched places!!)
  • Our Zone Conference 
  • And a sweet house in NC.