This week went by pretty zippy! We moved out one of the families in our ward on Tuesday. It is sad to see them go :( It was quite the all day event! Us, the elders, and a few others were there to help load up the truck! Half way through the day, we realized that we were running out of room, so we stopped and re-arranged. And, by the grace of God, all fit!! We sent the P family on their way to Morrehead City! They will be missed.
We started teaching M (a daughter in the M Family) and she is being prepared to be baptized on the 4th of September! She will have her interview this week and be well on her way! Her sister will be taking the lessons as well!!!!!!! They have been waiting FOREVER for the opportunity to enter into the waters of baptism! This is a dream come true to them, and I'm humbled and grateful that I get to be a part of it!
We talked to our investigator, K, about her Book of Mormon reading and prayers and if she had noticed a difference in her life. She agreed that she has felt closer to God, and she is willing to come to church in a few weeks! So exciting! It just showed me the power of the Book of Mormon in conversion!
Transfer calls... drum roll please... By no real surprise Smith and I are staying, as well as Elder Gardner and his trainee Elder Brimhall! But it was a shock to us to hear that Elder Hyman is leaving us and going up to Smithfield, VA! We were not expecting that! He shall be missed, but that's the mission life! I'll see him on the plane home, so, it's not goodbye!
Now for the big event, Stake Conference with Elder Jeffery R. Holland presiding. It was amazing! For the Saturday session, we sat on the side pews, and he walked in right next to us! My first thought was "Wow, he's pretty short!" Maybe it just seemed like that with his massive elephant sized security guards behind him. But he was so sweet! We were all standing and after he got up onto the stage, he turned around, blew us all a kiss and told us to sit down :) All of conference was wonderful! Hearing from the stake presidency for the last time was very bitter sweet for many. But learning of the newly called presidency was a thrill, and one of the members of our ward was called to be a counselor! President Boney he shall now be called :) President and Sister Weed were in attendance, and had a few minutes to speak. They talked about how they just love the missionaries, and that we have the full picture; the gospel of Jesus Christ! Then the temple president in Raleigh and his wife spoke a little as well. And what a blessing the temple and the covenants we make there are to them. Very sweet :) Then Elder Cordon spoke, the newly called area 70 over this area. He had a sweet accent, and was a cute little man! He talked about the Sabbath day and obedience. "To be clean we first have to be obedient." So that was fab! Then Elder Holland got to speak to us. Saturday night, he stood up and told us he was prompted by the spirit to change his whole talk and talk about how God loves broken things. It was powerful, and he would get all soft spoken, and then pound the pulpit to get the point across, it was great! Some good quotes. "Life is tough? Well yeah, welcome to the Telestial kingdom." "We want it too cheaply. We have to be willing to walk where Christ walked, feel what He felt, shed what he shed in order to become as He is." "DO NOT EVER say that God does not love you! NEVER!" Then on Sunday he talked about reorganization, and how no other organization could just simply switch its leadership on a dime like this one. This is divine work!
Thought for the week: It comes from Elder Holland. He left a blessing upon everyone in the Goldsboro Stake. But he also said he would leave this blessing on anyone we (the people of the Goldsboro Stake) care about, worry about, or want a blessing for. So that qualifies you all! So here is the blessing that Elder Holland had given you. Pretend that he has just laid his hands of you head, an apostle of the Lord, and blessed you with these things:
For the men, He blessed you to seek and find the power of godliness in the flesh by understanding the Holiness of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood. He gives you the power, privilege and promise of the priesthood to bless the lives of all those around you.
For the women, He blesses you that as you honor your covenants that you will be able to strengthen those you care for. And that God will lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes.
So there you have it. An amazing blessing and promise from an apostle of God. He is a special witness of the Savior, and his witness Saturday and Sunday was clear and strong. That He lives, and loves us unconditionally.
Love y'all! Hope you have a wonderful week, and keep this promise in mind!
Peace and blessings
Sista Poulsen
Lisa Says: notice the ties of the elders in the pics below. Sista P and her companion made the boys these ties out of cast off fabric and things that have been left behind in their apartment. funny.