What a wild week! We had our mini missionary all this week, it was a blast! Her name was Sister Taylor. She had such a big heart for all the people, and had a great testimony that helped lots of people we taught! It was interesting to teach in a trio though. It took a little to get used to, but we figured it out!
Guess just how many new investigators we got? 4!! Wow, what a great thing! A few were referrals from a member. One was a tracting find. And the other was a head quarter referrals brother! We taught them all the same lesson, but they all needed different things, that's what I love about the gospel, is that it is to unique to everyone!
As you may have seen in our recent pics, we shelled butter beans (aka lima beans) for Sister Armstrong! She really acted like she didn't need our help, but yesterday expressed her sincere thankfulness for us helping her out. They were quite fun to shell though! And then we went and got some taco pizza afterwards, yum!
My GPS is just so inspired. This is how we came across one of our new investigators. I had planned out a route in the GPS to go see a number of people before we went to our dinner appointment. I thought the GPS was taking us to a potential in the area, but 10 minutes later when I realized we were far away from where we really needed to be. I just decided to roll with it. We parked near our dinner appointment and we decided to knock some doors. The very first door we knocked was the app. neighbor. She graciously let us in and we taught her the restoration! Her name is K, and she's a state trooper. Super cool lady! She was open to our message and is excited for us to come back! But the best part is when she told us she was surprised we actually caught her. She's usually out on call or something. Thank you GPS!!
We have also been heart attacking lots of members and such lately, super fun! It is even funnier when there are people outside watching us when we do it. We look like secret agent girls… in skirts... Pretty Blessed :)
One funny story from the week: So, we are having a full out battle now with the elders. Whenever we see their car, we flip their windshield wipers up and push their mirrors in. But yesterday, they upped the game. We came back to our car from tracting... and noticed our wipers were completely gone?!?! Holy Cow... and it was totally about to start raining. We just decided to keep driving, and if it started raining to call them and make them come rescue us. It did not end up raining, but later in the evening, we got this text "Hey, you guys left your windshield wipers in the back of our car..." All we could say was "Just be glad it didn't rain..." It was pretty funny.

Thought for the week: "Christ like love is the most needed thing we need on this earth." Truly. When we visit members, I feel such great love for them, and feel good in their home! That's what this gospel brings: Charity, the pure love of Christ. That is our message. That is our purpose. To help change this hateful world into a loving one.
Well, God bless everyone! So many people say that down here, and I just love it! Truly, I hope and pray for God to bless you ALL this week!
Love ya!
Love, Sista Poulsen
Lisa says:
AND from the ?s email this little tidbit:
" I am cutting my hair today... super nervous! I am gonna leave it an inch or 2 below my shoulder... but I'm still way scared!" Sister Poulsen has had long hair for as long as she can remember. This is a really big step!! I can't wait to see it and hear how much easier it is to do and how much cooler it feels in the heat.