This week was full of crazy awesome miracles!! One of our investigators K (male) came to church and loved it! Me and Smith tried our best to entertain his crazy 3 year old girl so he could feel the spirit and listen to the talks. It was quite the adventure. Respect for moms in sacrament meetings all over the world. We also set him with a baptismal date for Oct 8, so that's great!
Our other super solid lovely amazing fantastic investigator K (female) loves the gospel! She said she reads the Book of Mormon, and then puts it down to go onto LDS.org and look up more about the church! She has a real desire to know if it's true, and if she should join. I trust in the promise of the Lord that as people have a sincere desire, the spirit will witness to them the truth and they will desire to become apart of the fold. So excited for her and the spirit she's feeling! We talked about temples last week, and she was so excited! She also mentioned how she noticed how much we loved the temple just by how we taught it. She's really progressing!
We had a delicious dinner. It was our cheat day. We try to eat healthy, but when we can have Cook Out, you can't say no. Cook Out has great burgers, fries, shakes, and best of all hush puppies. Those are basically like a mini corndog, minus the hot dog. So it's all just deep fried bread. Sooooo good.
The M family had their interviews on Friday, and all 3 (!) were cleared for their baptism this coming Sunday!!!!!!!!! This has been a long process. 5 years they have been taught. We just happen to be the missionaries here at the right time to teach them. We are so excited for that family though, it's going to be an amazing experience. I'll tell you all about it next week!
We helped set up for the stake singles dance Saturday night at our chapel. It was a western theme, it was fabulous! Lots of yummy treats, great set up, and Brother F came in with his big set up and was the DJ for the night. We couldn't stay for the dance obviously, but we were happy to help. Yehaw!!
There was an 8 year old baptism Sunday. It was so sweet, and she came back in in her cute little white dress. This Saturday is another 8 year old baptism, we are just dunking them all!
Thought for the week: Missionary work is fun! Without laughter, how could anything be enjoyed? While we keep the dignity of our calling, laughter and fun are all part of the work! It is fun to talk to strangers and introduce them to the gospel! It is fun to meet other members of the church on the opposite side of the country. It is fun When people wave at us and know who we are. It is fun to stand as a witness of Jesus Christ. So go, have fun this week being an example of the believers! The M girls aren't even members of the church, but they say they stand up for the churches beliefs, because they are their beliefs. They are so excited to be baptized so they can represent Christ and be his witness in this dark world.
Thanks for all your love and prayers, we can feel them each day! You are all fabulous, and The Lord is so mindful of you!
Have a blessed week, full of fun!
Love, Sista Poulsen
Tobacco fields are everywhere |