Hey y'all! Glad things are just dandy :)
Last P-day we shopped and such, then went home and cleaned up. Well, I cleaned while Sis Brakey slept. She was wiped out, so it was fine.
Everyone keeps pronouncing my name "Sister Paulsen"... I just let it go now.
At a lot of our less active member lessons, people just won't stop talking, and it's so hard! We don't even get through our whole lesson before we have to stop them and say "We are late for our next app. Sorry. Can we end with a prayer?"
We did lots of tracting this week... but with success! We got one new investigator and 2 potential investigators!! It's hard, and sad, and a big let down when folks don't want to hear our message. But we are doing all we can. It's their agency. But yeah! Our new investigator is a super sweet lady. We knocked on her door and her 2 big dogs greeted us through the storm door. Now most people use their dogs as an excuse to not talk to us. But she pushed them right our of the way and stepped out to talk to us. We got to know her a little bit, found out she had chronic migraines and was having one right that second! But she wanted to talk to us anyway, so cool! We taught a quick restoration lesson. She kept saying "That's so cool!" We said the first vision, and asked her if she would be baptized by someone holding that priesthood authority. She said "That would be so cool!" Then followed by tears. She said she feels the spirit through crying (Sound like anyone we know?). So basically she is awesome, felt the spirit, and we are teaching her about the BOM today!!
We had to reschedule with our potentials, but that's okay, we'll get to them eventually!
This Wed. is zone conf... Which sister Brakey and I have been asked to sing a duet in!?!? Holy cow! We couldn't say no, it was President Baker! So, we are singing "Abide With Me Tis' Even Tide." Accompanied by the amazingly talented Kempsville elder, Elder Hansen. Basically he's just making up this awesome rendition of the song. It's pretty cool! And both of us are getting sick, so pray that we have our voices on Wednesday!?!
The ward here is just so awesome! We had a RS party Saturday, it was fun to hang out with those ladies! And dinners are always good :) We really haven't been fed anything strange yet. It's all pretty standard meal stuff. Yesterday the Polas fed us pork, but Bro Pola brought out his hot sauce collection. He dared me to try them. One was made with ghost peppers, and warns that you should only take one drop! I tried it... and it actually wasn't too bad! Granted, I slathered it all over my meat so it was distributed evenly. It was still hot, but the after taste was actually pretty good!
Here's some fun things about Virgina so far:
Lots of people personalize their license plates. Some are just crazy funny like "Granny 1" or "Mombear" Just funny :)
It is actually illegal here to pull up to the pile of crap [in the middle of an intersection when making a left turn in your car.] Glad I found that one out before I started driving!
Since the humidity is like 804%, mold is everywhere. Lots of people have brick steps, and they are just covered in mold. It's pretty normal. So when we shower, we have to make sure everything is out to dry. Or else things will get real stinky real fast.
I saw a cardinal!!! Granted I just saw it's redness fly by, it was still there! And there are lots of other interesting birds here too! I'll try to snap some pics, and let you try to figure out what they are :)
Happy St. Patrick's day this week! Sis Brakey's mom sent us some green boas and headbands to wear... probs not missionary appropriate, but it was still super cute and nice! St. Patrick's day marks Sis Brakey's 15 month mark... and my 1st month mark!! #twiningiswinning
Thought for the week: "You can take it to them. But only the spirit can take it into them." I'm trying really hard to teach with the spirit! I gotta be honest, I get pretty nervous when we go to teach someone, or even just role playing! But I'm just trying to remember that we can only say what we know, and then they will have to feel the truth of it for themselves.
Challenge for y'all this week: Read your scriptures every night this week! I want a report next week, so get on it! Also, don't forget to say your morning and nightly prayers. It is such a help to open and close with Christ in mind each day.
Well, there you go, that's my week, from what I can remember! Peace and blessings, have a fantastic week!
Love, your fav missionary, Sista Poulsen
p.s. One more funny thing, we have to drink out of water bottles, cuz the tap is okay, but not preferred. You know how much I hate the taste of bottled water. I miss my mountain water :) Maybe you could send me some? haha jk, I'll just have to live with it for 17 more months... Loves!! SP