The City encompasses 307 square miles with 38 miles of Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean beaches.

Virginia Beach is a resort city with miles of beaches and hundreds of hotels, motels, and restaurants along its oceanfront. Every year the city hosts the East Coast Surfing Championships as well as the North American Sand Soccer Championship, a beach soccer tournament. It is also home to several state parks, several long-protected beach areas, three military bases, a number of large corporations, two universities, International headquarters and site of the television broadcast studios for Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment, and numerous historic sites. Near the point where the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean meet, Cape Henry was the site of the first landing of the English colonists, who eventually settled in Jamestown, on April 26, 1607.

Lisa Says:
One the things that I found out about while researching Sister Poulsen's new area is that there is a 165 acre park there called Mount Trashmore. It was a former city landfill that was reclaimed by the city and established in 1974. It boasts miles of walking trails, hills, and grassy picnic areas. It includes a giant skate park and also numerous courts for basketball and volleyball. There are even 2 lakes that folks can fish in.

In 2010, the playground was upgraded to the structure pictured here. In addition to updated equipment the new Kid's Cove is twice the size of its original.