So we got an early morning call from Sister Poulsen today. It was pretty emotional to hear her voice - mostly because she was emotional to hear ours. It was nice tho and we got a little bit more information about her time in the MTC.
I was glad to hear that she was in good health. She didn't catch a cold, like was predicted and aside from fluttery stomach this morning from nerves, she was doing well!
We also learned that one of the elders, with his southern drawl, kept teasing her about dropping the "t" out of the word 'mountain.' She would say "moun-in" (like we do here) and he would say, "It's mounTain." *laughs* He is going to have to get used to that around here I think. Jerry thinks that it is because in the south they don't have real mountains and so they have to enunciate the T to make them seem taller than they are. There is a thought. Anyway, Tara sure liked being around such good young men. Keep your eye out for these neat elders serving next door to us.
She was nervous and worried about the flight - not the flying part really, but just making sure that she knew what to do when, where to go, and all of that. She was worried about the weight on her luggage and the size of her carry on too. She is just thankful that her companions know what they are doing and can help her figure out all the airport things. I'm grateful that she has them to watch out for her. Thank you sisters!
I hope that she can get some sleep on the flight, as they were up and out of the MTC at 3:30am. She grabbed some snacks for the plane and is looking forward to the layover in Atlanta so that they can all grab some lunch. The good news is that she is losing 2 hours as they fly East and so they will all get to go to bed early tonight and catch up on some of that lost sleep. oh but wait. I just realized that they will have to get up 2 hours earlier than their bodies are used to in the morning.... oh well,
We are excited for her and are looking forward to meeting her new companion and to find out more about her first area.
Godspeed Sister Poulsen!
~ Lisa