Hey hey!
Well hello y'all! Seems like a life time since I've written last. Let's just say it has been a very long week! Man, where do I start. I've been assigned the Virginia Beach mission, Kempsville area! We are actually no where near the beach, but during our transfer we can leave early and go see the sunrise! Super cool. It will be a 7 week transfer. The change in length for this transfer is because they are extending the MTC time, so that makes us add on an extra week so we stay in the right order of things.
Tell us about your trainer.
Sister Brakey (20) is my trainer! Super sweet girl! We have a lot in common including a love for musicals and nerdy stuff like Dr. Who. She's helping me take it slow, and not throwing me into lessons unprepared and what not. I feel bad that she is talking most of the time and I just sit there and nod. She's great.

Lisa Says:
A sweet member of Tara’s new ward, Sister Brimhall, was so kind to take pics of Sister Poulsen and her companion, Sister Brakey, at some ward activities and church and text it to me and Sister Brakey’s mom. It was such a neat surprise to all of the sudden get a text from Virginia and know that Tara was standing right in front of that phone at that exact moment. The first time it happened, my eyes brimmed with tears… right in the middle of Kohl’s! Thank you sister, Brimhall! The super neat thing is that Sister Brimhall has a missionary, Elder Ankey, who is serving in the Logan Area mission; currently he is in North Odgen. They just traded places! Sister Brimhall sent photos from a Ward Baby Shower, a quick hall pic after Sacrament meeting, and during a youth activity called "On Fire For Jesus." It is a monthly mission prep class for all young women and young men in their ward about being missionaries now. They role play talking about the gospel. It was started by a recent young convert and they invite the missionaries to help out.
I also found Sister Brakey’s Facebook page, ya I'm a missionary info hound, and made contact with her mom. They are a neat family from Riverton, Utah and Sister Brakey will be serving until July 2016.
Haha that's so funny that you decided to stalk all my companions! And about Sister Brimhall. I really wanted to write you first before she just instantly send you a pic of us. You must have been so confused! I see where she's coming from tho, and I love it. I wanted to rip the phone out of her hand and text you right back!
Do you have a gym to exercise in?
As for exercise, we either run around the trail that goes around all the apartments, or stay in. There is a gym and we can go, but almost 100% of the time there is the same dude there, so we just don't. The workout cards are fabulous! Got a great workout today :)
How’s the weather been?
It has been pretty chilly here. The sun is shining, but that breeze just bites at ya. I can barely feel the humidity. When we first arrived, I could feel the water in my lungs, but that's about it. My skin is still dry as a bone all the time, and my hair HATES this place. I think it's the soft water, but it's just stupid and frizzy as always. So that was disappointing
How’s your feet?
My feet are great! We have do some tracting, but it wasn't for long. But really, they haven't bothered me at all! My no show socks are a little tight, and when I wear my buckle shoes, they hurt at the end (I'll send ya a pic of my feet after taking the socks off.) It's just because of the tight shoe I think, so don't worry about sending me other ones or anything :)
So there are all your "quick questions" Now I'll talk about my week:
We landed in Georgia, grabbed a bite to eat, and then got on our next flight to Virginia! I was super crazy though, seeing just how many trees there are! We were landing in Georgia, and I just remember looking out and seeing a sea of trees, with little towns here and there. CRAZY! Same with Virginia, but lots of the trees are dead and brown, so it wasn't as cool. But the flight was good. We had a bumpy decent into Georgia, I think everyone wanted to throw up. But all was well.
As soon as we started approaching the baggage claim, there were President and Sister Baker as well as Elders Brown and Mclearen, our zone trainers. We said our hello's and then got our bags! We put them all in a trailer that was attached to a big white van, and headed to the stake center! We ate dinner, and then did some orientation. I honestly don't remember anything they said. So sorry Elders! Then we all talked with the mission nurse, and then a quick interview with Pres. Baker. Love him and his wife a ton! They are just sweet, and love the work and us! It will be sad to see them go in the end of June :(
Then we went and slept over night at a hotel. Hotel pillows are just the worst... But at least we had a bed to sleep in :)
The next morning, we ate breakfast, sang to the attendant lady at the desk (awwww) and then headed back to be assigned our trainers! There I was introduced to the areas in the mission, talked about mission cars and other rules, and then met my trainer!
From there we grabbed our lunch, and headed to the apartment! We got to go through that under water tunnel, super crazy! I didn't even know until we were in the tunnel and my ears started to hurt. Sis Brakey loves it :)
After arriving we ate our subway lunch, and then headed right out do some service! We went and helped the Krums, they are members who are preparing to go to Cali on a seniors mission! So cute. Then we ate at the Olsens (another member) We had honey/mustard ham... I had to stop myself from eating too much, it was delicious! We get fed great over here! Sister Baber is in charge of making sure we have places to eat, she's pro :)

The ward is just fab! I'm trying so hard to get all their names down, I'm really close! But holy cow, some of these names are just crazy! Zoobergs, Teerlinks, Boomenlog, Zondler... and more! Just crazy. But the ward unity is great!
You kind of know the rest of my week, thanks to sis Brimhall. The baby shower was for 3 ladies in the ward who are ready to pop. But there are actually like 5 more ladies who are prego too! Basically the whole ward is prego, so we are about to have a very noisy sacrament meeting! Super nice though, love 'em.
Other than that, our week has been knocking on doors and trying to visit less actives. I've really only been in a few houses, none of them from tracting. And all our other lessons have been teaching members after dinner. We usually just talk about how their missionary work is going, and encouraging them to make a plan on how to do it better!
We only have 1, maybe 2 investigators. They are hard to get a hold of. Pray that we can see them soon and that they will feel the spirit!
I love our Kempsville Elders! In the most professional way possible... They are just so nice and truly caring for the people they teach. Their names are Elder Garcia (district leader) and Elder Hansen. Both just all around good Elders. They are such good sports about being on bikes, go them!
Speaking of transportation, we do get a car! We are in a 2016 Toyota Corolla... Super nice and brand new! We are very lucky, count your blessings!
Fun stories:
As I was unpacking, I noticed that all the Junior Mints I had bought at the MTC had spilled out. Every last one. I got really scared that it had ruined my coat and my shoes and all my electrical stuff. But God was watching over my Junior Mints, and almost all of them spilled into my empty backpack, safe, clean and un-squished. Some got stuck on the bottom, and one on the back of my winter boot, but all was well! There is one miracle I have seen this week :)
Next fun story, if you can see in my pics, the trees here are super tall! They totally look like the jungle trees from Minecraft! Super funny :)
There is one "mountain" here, it's called Mt. Trashmore. It's made from trash... but is now covered nicely in green grass. Everyone is so proud of it.
Thought for the week: "When you talk about Christ, where can you go wrong?" I'm just a greenie, and don't know much. I haven't developed super great people skills yet, and I don't know exactly what to say. But I know we are speaking about Christ. And calling repentance. That is our purpose. I'm so excited to learn more and hopefully become the missionary Heavenly Father wants me to be! "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." The spirit also plays a huge role. I know when He is with me, I'll be able to be clear and speak like a normal human.
Thanks guys! I love your letters, and am so excited to hear about all the fun things you are doing! Keep it up :)
Here's a challenge: Make sure you are reading the scriptures everyday. Start with a prayer and then just read! You can feel the power from it! So that's my challenge to you this week.
Love you all and miss ya. XOXO
Love, Sista Poulsen
Fun Fact, Virginia has wild bunnies!! Here is a picture of some in front or our apartment.