Monday, July 17, 2017

We Go To the Hospital (Don't Worry)


Another whirlwind week! This Monday the bishop's wife took us to the Virginia Living Museum! It was full of Virginia native wildlife and trees and such. Super cool! You know me and animals :) We took plenty of pictures to capture the magic of the beauty of Virginia!

This week was also full of random acts of service. We walked out of a complex and saw some lady struggling with a big box, walking her dog, and trying to talk on the phone at the same time. Talk about multitasking... so we jumped right in! She was grateful and we sent her on her way with a smile :) Another thing the same night was a member needed some help ASAP and we happened to be super close to her area so we went right over and helped her out a ton! God is just perfect at putting us in the right places at the right time... want more examples? Here they come.

We had planned to visit a less active member. We were in another area and we were deciding whether to stay and do a little more work in that area or go see the less active. They came to my mind strongly so we headed over there. Turns out they were having some issues with their printer! They did not know how to put the ink in, so I showed them how to do it! (thanks mom and dad for teaching me how to do that or I would have been stumped!) Then they were having more issues printing the thing they wanted to print. After a while we finally figured out the problem and got it going for them again! They kept saying "Wow, you sisters don't know how much that helped! God truly sent you today!" Then later that evening, we had to head back to the church to do something that we were going to do earlier in the day but ran out of time. We walked in and there was a husband and wife cleaning the church... alone! They looked at us and asked if we could possibly help... YES! So that was also a miracle. God loves all His children, and helps them whenever they need! It was such a privilege to be in the service of God this week.

We have also visited the hospital a few times this week... don't freak out it was not for us! Our investigator's mom is in the hospital as well as a less active member. Both times we had to wear these very fashionable gowns and gloves. I loved it being all about the medical field stuff. Both people are doing well, so no worries there :)

We have also done a lot with organizing our map and area boundaries this week, phew! We have a map in the apartment that we are putting stickers on with all the names of the people in our area. It's long and tedious, but must be done!

The Spanish missionaries also met with us and re-arranged their borders. Spanish work is SO much different than English. They cover LARGE amounts of area, with not a ton of ward support. But they are on fire teaching and preaching the gospel! I have so much respect for them. They are amazing!

More business stuff: We met with President Hamilton again! He is one of the greatest stake presidents ever let me tell ya! We told him that the ward mission leaders in our zone were struggling to fulfill their calling just because they need a little guidance. It is hindering the missionary work. So President Hamilton was all "Okay. Well, let's just have a meeting with them and train them on their calling!" BOOM done. It is already set up and in motion. I will be long gone by that time but that does not matter. I am just excited that it is happening!!! He rocks!

Then I went on exchanges in Yorktown and met some wonderful wonderful people! I always learn something new and amazing on exchanges! Sister Jones is a powerful teacher and loves everyone and this work! Her enthusiasm really gave me the boost that I needed!

Our recent convert that fell down her stairs and broke her foot is doing so much better! Now that she is back on meds and feeling better she is going to get into a "serious study of the Book of Mormon" she says. Can't wait! The Book of Mormon changes lives!

My thought for the week comes from the wonderful sacrament meeting we had about the peace that the Holy Ghost brings. One of the speakers said something that I just loved. He talked about how the Holy Ghost is our "Moral Compass." Lots of people describe the Holy Ghost as their conscious. And that is totally true! Our spirit and the Holy Spirit talk to each other. They are on the same path, to return to the Father. But when "the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak." Our physical shell is the enemy. That is where the Lord's commission to "put off the natural man" comes in. How??? How do we do such a seemingly impossible thing?? Let me finish the scripture. "...and become a saint THROUGH the atonement of Jesus Christ the Lord, and become as a CHILD..." When we center our life on Jesus Christ and what He would have us do, by becoming like a child, that is when out body and our spirit can become aligned and the Holy Ghost can be our moral compass to help us return to our heavenly home.

This week is looking pretty good! Got interviews with the Mission President and I get to go on exchanges in the Spanish area! I don't speak Spanish so this should be interesting :)

Love you all so very very much and I will talk to ya next week!
Sista Poulsen