One exciting thing, we went on exchanges with the Hermanas! I was in their area, so I awkwardly stood there while she taught the restoration is Spanish. It was really neat though because the spirit was just as strong. We all understand the language of the spirit. And I felt 100% about my missionary purpose. We were teaching and testifying of Jesus Christ, and that is what matters.
I call this week "Cinderella week" because so many houses we went into needed some help cleaning up in some way! It was great to serve people at the drop of a hat! God placed us right where we needed to be.
We had S at the bishop's house for dinner! It was a great experience! They had some powerhouse testimonies of the plan of salvation! And it was cool to see bishop in his role as a father of a 3 and 6 year old. Pretty cool how God calls ordinary men (and women) to do extraordinary things.
Had my last District Meeting... and the Weed's came!! They always pick a random one to go to every week, and they chose us! So fun to have them there!
The youth over the weekend read the BofM in 2 days?!?!? Crazy! So on Sunday they all bore their testimonies of the spirit they felt. We popped in Saturday and read a little of Ether with them. The spirit in that building was truly powerful.
Well, I guess this is it. The last one as Sister Poulsen. It has been an absolute honor and privilege to serve my God for these 18 months. I can never repay Him for all the experiences I have had, the INCREDIBLE people I have met, and the great change that has taken place in my heart. I have truly come to begin to understand who God wants me to become. I came on a mission for selfish reasons. To go to another state/country. To possibly speak another language. To increase my testimony. Oh how wrong I was! As I have learned to surrender my will to God's, He had shaped me. I promise that is y'all want to find yourself or build yourself up, the key is to forget about yourself. Loose yourself in the service of others, and that is truly when you come to find yourself.
I know that God is real. That He hears and answers your prayers. I know that He inspired men to write the Book of Mormon. That book has brought me closer to Jesus Christ than any other book. It is true, and as we read it each day, we will be able to withstand the temptations of the devil and the trials that we all face. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet and restored Christ's church to the earth. Thomas S. Monson leads and guides this church today. And I know that Jesus Christ lives. He is so aware of us. He is with us every step of the way as we turn to Him, and exercise "a particle of Faith." He is the one that can and will save us from our sins as we come unto Him. "Come unto Christ, and be perfected in Him."
Thought for the week: In the song "Lord I would follow thee" Verse 4 reads
Savior, may I learn to love thee,
Walk the path that thou hast shown,
Pause to help and lift another,
Finding strength beyond my own.
Savior, may I learn to love thee—
Lord, I would follow thee.
As this song pleads, it is us singing to Christ to ask Him to help us come closer to Him. I desire to draw closer to Him each day. This song teaches us that we can learn to love Christ by loving others. That as you strive to be in others service, your love for The Savior will increase. I have see that so strong on my mission!
Thank you all for your support and love over this long, amazing journey! Each of you is special in God's eyes, and He loves you and blesses you for all you do!
I love Virginia. The trees will be missed :)
Be blessed y'all
See ya in 2
Sista Poulsen