Another week come and gone, not too much to report on. But an amazing mission tour by Elder LeGrand R. Curtis and his wife! They are wonderful people! It was so neat to be with them for a bit on Friday. To hear their testimonies of the Savior. As a member of the quorum of the 70 he is a special witness of Jesus Christ. So hearing him testify was very powerful. He talked about the difference in hope and faith a lot. As well as his calling and the prophets calling and things like that. He talked about how glorious it is to be in the Lords service! To wake up everyday knowing that you will be strengthening the kingdom of God! Super neat, it was awesome!
We had an incredible church tour with S, and she is now on date for baptism on the 29th of July! She said she felt that Christ was with us as we walked around the church! Sadly her alarm did not go off Sunday morning so she missed church! But she is planning on it next week! I was sad not because we didn't get to report her as a number of investigators at church, I was sad because she was not able to feel of the amazing spirit that was at church. She did not get to remember her Savior as she partook of the sacrament. Church is such an important things in our lives. I have really come to see that.
Our ward is just incredible though! We had a fun activity, a fish fry, Friday night. Our members reached out to our investigators and 5 of them came :O WOAH it was sooo good! Not just the food... haha but the fact that our members are incredible missionaries and our investigators feel so loved and accepted with them! So blessed.
Sunday evening we had a blank schedule, so we exercised faith and prayed and said "Heavenly Father, we will not go in for dinner until we find a new investigator!" BOOM we hit the streets. We were contacting potentials in the GPS but talking to everyone along the way. I even pulled over to offer to help someone with their groceries and we wended up giving them a Book of Mormon! We taught lots of people truths about our church, but none of them technically became new investigators. But we felt God's approval for our hard work for those few hours and He allowed us to go home and make our fajitas (pic included) But it was great to see that as we exercised a bit of faith the miracles that came and the truths we shared! I became happier and happier as we kept talking and contacting! It was a great day in the end!
This week is Sister Nelson's last week in the mission field, so we are going to hit it hard! Can't wait to see the miracles that The Lord has in store for us!
Thought for the week: This comes from out dear Sister Weed. [Mission President's wife] on the mission tour Friday. She said "In the 4th article of faith, it lists the first 4 principles of the Gospel; Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Holly Ghost. So where is the 5th principle, Enduring to the End? It is in the 13th article of faith. All the things we read in that article and if we apply them leads us to enduring conversion, which helps us to endure to the end which is to return to live with God and Christ with our families forever." WOAH mind blown! So study the 13th article of faith, but this time with that in mind.
LOVE Y'ALL! Stay amazing, the church is true, and I love to "bring the world His truth!"
Be blessed
Sista Poulsen