Monday, March 27, 2017

Saying Goodbye to Franklin

Hey there folks!

Well let's start with the best, (10 yr-old) R's baptism! It was a huge success! Phew so glad too! Lots of things were standing in the way of it being able to work out, but with prayer and help, it happened! He was so happy! We had it right after church so lots of people stayed and supported him! He was both baptized and confirmed so that was also super special! I was sooo stressed during sacrament meeting because we had to do lots of stuff just before the baptism to make sure things ran smoothly. We had to get the TV going, set up the refreshment table, lay out the cookies, make sure the font was working, and praying that the white pants would fit him.... all worked out! I was praying hard that it would, and God sure does answer prayers! What a super special day, pictures to come!

Some sad news, one of our families in the ward is moving out :( But they are moving to Utah so I will hopefully see them when I get back! We helped them get all set up for their yard sale Saturday, which was a big hit! Good thing too because they wanted EVERYTHING to go. Blessings abound.

We helped someone with their yard this week too. The sweet lady who works downtown needed help with pine cone/ tree limb pick up. Let's just say I am NEVER owning a pine tree... ever! So messy. But we were glad to pick up the hundreds of pine cones and relieve that burden from her :)

Found a few new people to teach as well! We have been tracting this nice trailer park for a week or so now. Not a lot of success. The other day we went to one of the last streets, with 6 houses. We found 3 people, taught them, and are bringing them a Book of Mormon soon! WOW forth floor last door... it's real :)

[Here is the link to President Uchtdorf's talk she is quoting here: ]

We reunited some old friends this week! We visited a less active family and brought a member with us. Turns out they totally knew each other from years back! So we had a great talk/discussion with them about general conference and coming to church! Hopefully with this new found friend they will be more inclined to come!

Speaking of conference, that is coming up THIS WEEK! Conference to missionaries is like the super bowl to football fans. So sad that it's my last one as a missionary :( But the women's conference was just wonderful! Lots of good talks, and many of my questions have already been answered! If you have not thought of questions, do it! It will make your experience watching it more meaningful :)

Hmmm am I forgetting something... oh yeah, TRANSFERS! *drum roll* Sister Poulsen is being transferred to.... Newport News! But not just that, I have also been called to be a sister training leader?!?! WHAT. No way. Only the really good sisters get to do that... what is The Lord thinking?? I don't know. For those of you who don't know what this calling is, it just means me and another sister (sister Everette by the way) will be leaders in our zone. We will go on frequent exchanges with all the sisters in our zone, we will be in charge of presenting new information to missionaries, and will be counselled on how to help lift and press forward in the work of the mission. Yah. Basically it has responsibility and leadership written all over it. I feel 0% qualified right now. But that is where my thought for the week comes in:

"God does not call the qualified. 

He qualifies those He calls." 

[This thought comes from a 1996 priesthood session talk given by President Monson. You can read it here:  "Duty Calls" ]

I have been doing lots of thinking about my new call to be a leader in the mission. Sometimes when people come into a leadership position, they feel they need to change who they are. And they become a "robotic missionary" I am determined to not do that. We have all been given talents and abilities to serve those around us. If we hide those under falseness, then we are NOT fulfilling our calling as the Lord would want us to. We are doing it how we want to do it. I know as I put my complete trust in God at this time, he will take my talents and abilities, and magnify them to hopefully be able to fill this big shoes I am stepping into. And do it with my spunky, crazy, weird personality that I love :)

Wish me luck on this new adventure! I am sure I will have much to share next week! I will charge my camera for all the neat new sights I will see! I am sad to move out of the lovely little town of Franklin, but I am excited for all the adventures that await!

Oh and we heard some good news... Elder Cook will be coming back to our mission April 15th!!!! Stay tuned for that AMAZING visit! WAHOOO

Be blessed
Sista Poulsen

Bonus Content from the questions email:

IDK if you know what a sister training leader is, but we have to go on exchanges with all the sisters in our zone, give like a million trainings in front of a bunch of people a transfer, and be like a leader and stuff so we are gonne be super busy... I am PUMPED though! I am praying hard for help and I feel SUPER un qualified but "God does not call the qualified. He qualifies the called." Can't wait! Newport news seems like a busy place, haha blessed! That's all I know. Sister Everette was also trained by Sister Brakey and trained Sister Merrill here in Franklin so we are gonna have a blast!

So many emotions though! I can feel the weight of the responsibility on my shoulders already, but I am excited for the challenge too! Sister Everette is leaving this transfer so I have to take over in 6 weeks *bites nails* Lots of praying to be done!

Cereal doughnut at district meeting.  Guess which one I had?

There is always a new saying here every week.  I'm going to miss this.