We then gave R [10 year old baptism boy] another visit and taught him how to follow the prophet! Thanks to my AMAZING mother, we gave him a CTR ring to help him remember to choose the right, he just lit up and he was so excited to have one! THANKS MOM!
Then the missionary broadcast!! It was crazy to think that all us 80,000 missionaries were watching it! We recieved some great counsel on how to better our missionary work! The biggest thing I got out of it was that if we have Christ on our lips, we are doing our job. That the gospel isn't broken up in all these individual parts, they are all woven together with the thread of Jesus Christ. AWESOME! And then they switched up our schedule a bit! Instead of coming in late at night, tired, and having to plan for our next day for 30 minutes or more, now we get to wait to plan for the day the morning of! WOW we are soo excited! Now we actually have time to get ready for bed, and have the chance to go to bed early! Also, they have given us the freedom to choose when to do companion study, and we can do it for 30 minutes or an hour, our choice. And then the best part... 2 extra hours on P-day to get things done! Wahoooo! Now we can leave our apt. at 8 and end at 6! YUS. So overall, this next change is giving us more freedom to choose. It is to help us prepare for real life, pretty cool! When they were presenting it, I was nervous, but after they said it the spirit confirmed to me that this is what the Lord wants at this time and it is going to help us be better missionaries and better people!
Then lots of service! We helped downtown S do some paperwork for an upcoming board meeting... it was stressful with the 3 of us! I can't imagine her doing it all by herself. Then we went to Sis Bs and ripped down some wall paper! I was so fun, and stress relieving! now the getting the glue off... not so fun. It was not as fast, lots of scraping. But we were glad to get it done for her!
Friday was CRAZY. We had district meeting at 8 instead of 10:30... that was crazy. We were all so tired. But we made it! Right after we had interviews with the mission president and his wife! They are totally wonderful, it was great to talk to them, ask questions, get answers, and just be uplifted by their spirits! Then we drove to see a few of our new members of the ward. No one was home. But one house had a bunch of chickens and instead of running away from us... they followed us! I thought they were gonna go all guard dog on us and peck us to death! Then we drove ALL the way down to NC! You will not believe what we saw on the way there... we were going all these back roads, and I looked to my left and saw something spectacular. It took me a second to register what it was... when I did though I slammed on the brakes and yelled "WOW LOOK!!" Sister Olsen must have been frightened for a second, sorry! But what I saw was a bald eagle sitting on the side of the road feeding... WOWOWOWOW
We tried to back up to get closer, but he sensed us and flew away so majestically... and Sister Olsen got it all on camera *high five* God graced us with that beautiful bird... and we are glad he flew off because just then huge semi came around the corner and we had to get out of it's way!
So yeah, crazy week with things to do back to back, but we accomplished what we hoped to accomplish and the Lord has surely blessed us much!
This week is looking less crazy, but hopefully more blessed!
Thought for the week: "Charity is not something we give. It is something we have." Straight up. Charity is not tangible. It is something that must come from deep within for it to be truly meaningful. It is the PURE love of Christ. Lets have it a little more :)
LOVE YOU ALL LOTS! I hope the snow is melting and spring will begin to shine!
Have a blessed one
Sista Poulsen
[Photos: Sister P with V, the blind lady they visit everyday - they were matching so they had to get a pic., "taking pics by speeding trains is fun!", and "us trying to be cute" - doesn't take much to accomplish, aren't they adorable?
Here is what Tara said about V, "She is so nice, but she can get fussy with us for working so hard. She always, says ' What do your mothers think of y'all working so hard? You need to slow down and rest your bodies so you can get back home to 'em! So Cute!" ]