Not too much happened this week. Just going out talking to as many people as possible!
We had exchanges Friday night and Saturday morning though! Miracles! We were gonna bike, but my bike got another flat tire... so we determined the Lord wanted us to stay local so we just started walking. We filled up the 3 hours that we had with talking to people just on the street and sharing our message with several! It was incredible! We got a few new investigators and got a few potentials out of it! It was fabulous!
Then Saturday morning, we went and did a super fun service project! The whole ward was involved! A couple was returning home from their mission soon and so we all went out there and cleaned up their yard for them! WOW their house was beautiful, and huge, and I felt like I was in a movie! I should have taken some pics, but they had this secret garden like thing, and barns and fields and chickens. It was just awesome! Sooo many leaves to rake! It looks super good now! Besides the fact that we riled up a swarm of yellow jackets... other than that is it pretty good! So that was fun :) Then we did service for Sister D, we started her bathroom painting project! Super good to get that started, she's been wanting to do that for a while!
It sure is fall time here... I will get a pic of the leaves this week! And we are planning on doing lots of raking for people, so that should be fun! Riding a bike in the cold isn't really my favorite thing. I look like Rudolf afterwards.... and my face is like a block of ice.
Thought for the week: Lately, I have been thinking about Nephi's courage and faith. When Laban refused to give him and his brothers the plates, it seemed hopeless. They were ready to turn back and report to their father that they had failed. But good ol' Nephi trusted in the Lord and knew that when God gives a commandment, He provides a way to accomplish. So he went in. All by himself. "Not knowing before hand what [he] should do..." But, as we see, God took that faith and made it possible for Nephi to recover the plates! I am sure Nephi didn't expect it to happen this way, but it did! God truly works in mysterious ways. He answers in His way and His time. We just gotta trust and believe :)
Lovely. Hope you all have a great week. Go rake some leaves and eat pumpkin pie for me!
XOXO Sister Poulsen