Hello one and all!
Well, we survived another week! Sister Merrill and I are
just in awe about how fast this transfer is going by! Just 4 weeks left,
what?!? We have felt like we have been together FOREVER. I think we knew each
other in the spirit world. Pretty sweet :)
We had some cool miracles happen with teaching people! The
first one is with our investigator T. She has been telling us she will come to
church and just hasn't. So Sister D. just hard core committed her to come and sit
by her this next week. And she said yes! We are also having a church tour with
her today and so that will be awesome!
We also committed our old sweet blind investigator to come
to church this next week as well! We are starting to make a little more headway
with her and she may be progressing toward baptism, it's wonderful!
Speaking of church, I was so happy to finally attend church
and see all the ward members! Wow, they are all so great! It is a tiny ward
compared to Rocky Mount! So it wasn't as scary getting in front of them and
introducing myself. Yum. They had Elder Lelenoa and I get up and say a few
words. It was good, and now I feel less like a stranger. They are all so kind
though, and I'm excited to get to work with all of them!
Every Wednesday we head down to NC to do some work, it was
wonderful! Oh how I love my North Carolina! Our border goes down to
Murfiesboro. So that's where we went. It is just like I left it :) But anyways,
I met a few great less actives! And here is the coolest thing. So one of them
doesn't come to church because she doesn't have the gas for it and she feels
bad having someone drive all the way down there to pick her up. So she has
always declined the offer. But there it another less active that lives near
her, not 5 minutes. And that sister is beginning to come back to church! So we
are going to introduce them to one another, and have the returning one bring
the other one to church! We know it was the spirit that inspired that great
idea :)
We did some more painting for a member who is fixing up this
beautiful old house. It is gonna look soooo good. She is making her "girl
room" right now. Her husbands "man cave" is already done. Holy
cow. It is fully decked out with football gear and stuff. And all of it is
dallas cowboy. Phew, never seen so much blue and silver in my whole life. But
it's still pretty sweet, even if it is the cowboys :)
We found a new investigator! Her name is S. Super sweet
lady, and LOVES Jesus, like so many other people out here! She really enjoyed
the message of the restoration and we are excited to bring her a Book of Mormon
tomorrow. I love to teach people about this marvelous gospel!
Other than that, our week was just full of laughter, playing
dress up, and meeting new faces! V gave us a ton of old clothes that she didn't
want, so she gave them to us to take to a shelter. But of course we had to look
through them first, so we had a dress up party and kept a few of the promising
pieces! So if you see me wearing something a little... old ish. It was probably
from her :)
Thought for the week: The topic in church was charity. Each
transfer we come up with a vision to promote how we want to work in those 6
weeks. We also picked having charity. Charity doesn't just mean to love though.
It means to forgive and to serve. They also talked about how you must love
yourself. That can be the hardest task to do. But as we see ourselves as Christ
sees us, and as we come to know our divine potential, we come to love ourselves
in a non-selfish way and then can reach out and help others discover the same.
That is why we should show charity to others. To help them come to understand
their great worth as a Child of God.
Hope y'all have a blessed week!
Sista Poulsen