Hello from the South side! Get it? I was trying to be Adele... kinda corny hu :)
Hello from the South side! Get it? I was trying to be Adele... kinda corny hu :)
Pretend Paper Fire |
There was a super crazy storm the other night! We were driving to a lesson, and all the sudden this huge black cloud comes tearing across the sky, black and ominous. It was swirling too... we thought it was a tornado! it wasn't green though, so we weren't too worries, but then the leaves and branches started to be torn off the trees, we booked it to her house! We got there and she opens the door and yells "hurry!!" We scrambled inside and slam the door behind us. The sky then opens up and rain just pores down! Thankfully it wasn't a hurricane or tornado, just a severe thunder storm. But it was super cool and scary all at the same time!
Super Cool and Scary Storm |
We were in a lesson and we decided to open up to a random scrip in the BofM and apply it to ourselves. I opened to mine... and it straight up told me I needed to write in my journal. I felt quite chastised! I hadn't been writing in it cuz we were getting in so late and planning so long so there was no time. So the next day I took time out and wrote my week down! I will try to stay on top of it now, because it is apparently important!
We had a super cool lesson on faith with the M family. They may take a while to get to baptism, but we can just testify and teach them as they come to know for themselves! Which is good too, because it is way more important to be baptized when you know it's true rather than pressure.
You are all probably dying to know about transfers... it wasn't anything too exciting... [this is sarcasm, I think] Just the fact that Sister Steinfeldt is leaving me to take over the area (reminder I have only been here for 6 weeks) and going to Glostner VA. And on top of that... President Weed has asked me to train a new missionary... no pressure!! I am super super nervous, and I pray that I can be good enough to get her on her feet! I was reading in D&C and I found a scrip that was perfect for me! God was talking to Oliver about being strong. And He said something along the lines of "I will be your arm, and there is no need to fear because I have called you to this work and you are prepared." So I will just trust that God is near me, and let him be the trainer, not me!
Thought for the week: This comes from 3 Nephi 13:33-34. Christ was promising the people that God will provide you with everything you need to get through this life. He asks us not to worry, because He's got this! All we need to do it take things one step at a time, line upon line, precept upon precept. The one person we can trust perfectly is our Heavenly Father. So trust and have faith that He is there, and He always will be.
I am excited to meet my greenie, and I can't wait to introduce her to y'all! Lots of prayers for her... and me too!
Hope y'all have a blessed week, keep having lots of fun in the sun!
Love, Sista Poulsen
What is with her traffic obsession? |