Lisa Says: We didn't get too much info about Sister Poulsen's companion today but in a letter to me she talked about how well prepared Sister Smith is for her mission, and how gung-ho she is to teach. It is a little sad for them both that things are so slow as far as finding folks that want to be taught the gospel. Sis Smith sounds very excited to share her testimony. That is so great and I counselled that they should use that new enthusiasm to brainstorm for new finding ideas. Blessings will come to all. Keep praying for them!
Good morning Vietnam!
Brother H quoted that in ward council yesterday, it was so great! Thought I should just throw it in there.
Well, this week was full of wonderful miracles! The Lord was just testing us to see if we truly wanted it. We worked hard to show it, and He blessed us so much! And here's how :)
We were trying to contact a referral that ordered a bible. She was not home, so we were gonna just walk back to the car, but we decided to knock a few doors. The lady wasn't interested and we moved on. Sis Smith was still carrying that bible, and I just knew that we needed to give it to someone here. Someone needed it. So I remembered that experience I had with Brakey once, where we prayed and found this duded house through the spirit. So we prayed, and asked God who needed this bible. Then we just started walking down the street. Smith noticed a man on his porch so we jumped on the opportunity! We introduced our selves, and offered the bible. His name is A. He graciously took it! Then we asked if he would like to hear a message, and he also said yes! WAHOO! So we talked about the restoration of Christ gospel, and he loved it! He said he would be baptized, and we are going back soon to talk about the BofM! But that's not even the cool part. We told him we had prayed and were lead here to talk to him. Then he said "Yeah I saw you ladies walking, and then you came up to me. I really needed to hear that, so thank you." I love the spirit!
But the miracles don't stop there! We were able to contact 2 Less Actives that we have no information on, and we are going to visit them this week! We are excited about that, and hopefully we can help them out!
But here's the greatest one of all. We have been working with a part member family, the M's. Sweet family. The mom is a member but her 2 older girls and husband are not. Their little boy is 7. But missionaries have been working with them for a while. But in RS yesterday, Sister M walks up to us and asks "Are y'all available tonight at 7:30?" Of course we said yes! She then said "Okay, great. We just want to get things going I think. How many lessons are there?" I rambled through my already full brain and told her there were about 9 left that they need. She said "Okay, when you come over tonight we can schedule stuff because we just want to get things going with the girls. I don't know about my husband, but he's not holding them back." We were speechless. It was such a miracle to see how excited and determined Sister M was to help her daughters finally receive the ordinance of baptism! We walked around church the rest of the day just smiling! People kept commenting on how happy we looked. We were very very happy!! We unfortunately didn't actually see them last night though, Brother M wasn't feeling well, but we rescheduled for Thursday, so exciting!
So those were some of the amazing miracles we saw! Our scripture study class is still limping along, we are working on getting more consistent people there and hopefully that will spark interest around!
The W's moved a few houses down from their old one. And we actually didn't know they were moving till the elders called and said it was happening right then! So we finished up our lesson and jetted over there! We were still in our skirts though... so people tried to give us small, mundane tasks. Psh nah man, we carried heavy boxes and furniture and showed them up! Sister Power :) Everyone was quite impressed.
One more super cool thing. Stake conf is happening on Aug 20. Guess who will be coming??? Yeah... just an apostle. Which one you may ask? Oh, just Jeffery R. Holland. No big. :D Everyone is soooo excited! Our stake pres. is being switched around, so that's why he is visiting. But I'm afraid we won't even have any seats to sit at in the stake center! It will be a full house :)
Thought for the week: The spirit is the one that protects us. We had a few possibly dangerous experiences that we dodged because the spirit warned and protected us. One, I was driving up to a stop light, and had the impression to slow down sooner. Then next thing I know I was completely stopped, 10 feet before the line. I thought, "weird" and was about to pull forward when some crazy car just made a crazy turn and pulled right in front of us very much illegally! The spirit is the driver, not me! We were then walking down a street, feeling prompted to go to a certain house when we saw a few dudes on their porch. The situation didn't feel right. We both turned and walked away. So I am just grateful for the spirit. He warns us of danger and if we head it, we will be protected!
Well, I hope your week goes as great as ours did! Have a blessed one :)
Love ya lots! Sista Poulsen
Bonus from the ?s email:
1) Did you get the package?
We got the package, thanks! It came at a great time too! We had just had a great experience teaching this random dude on the street, then we both came home to packages from our moms! I have yet to try it on, "ain't noby got time when you're a missionary." But I was planning on doing that today! I'll write ya a letter maybe or something.
2) It has been 93% humidity there this week. How are you coping?
The heat actually isn't bad. It is the worst when your comp complains about it every 10 minutes though. I've tried to subtly say to stop, cuz when you complain it only makes it worse. But is didn't work. I am just used to the sweat. But we are inside the car most of the time, and I also think it's just a blessing from God that I'm not dying :)
3) How is the training and planning going this week?
Things went a little better this week. But we are getting a mini missionary this week. She's a sister from the Greenville ward (about 45 min away) and she will be with us till Sunday the 31. So yeah. I'm now training 2 people - and one hasn't even been to the MTC. So this week is going to possibly be a nightmare. But we'll see :)
4) How are you feeling as a missionary? Give me the emotional scoop.
It was rough for a little while. I didn't feel like God was answering me. And that He wasn't even there and I was just fending for myself all alone in this big area with a new missionary. My prayers meant nothing to me really, and I just trudged through each day. But we had a lesson with someone last week and they mentioned that when they pray, they ask God for something, and then they don't try to do it themselves, but rely on his help as they are trying to accomplish the thing they are doing. That was an answer to prayer for sure. So I have been working on going out with God at my side. I have felt a greater presence of the spirit since then and my prayers are sincere, and I believe that someone really is listening to me now. So yeah, that's life right now :) But it is all good, and I'm learning lots! on Sunday, I was looking out at the congregation and felt great love for all of them.
Peace out, TTYL
Sista P
And from Justin's letter:
Q: I wondering about mission companion relationships is it like friendship or just like a co-worker thing?
A: It is a bit of both! We work together to teach the gospel yes, but we are also with each other literally 24/7 so we have to be friends. So it is both :) Me and Sister Smith get along quite well! So we have fun :)
And from Stacie's Hyde Park Firework Report:
Q:How's your Companion?
A: I miss the fireworks :( I won't see them for 2 years I just realized... you'll have to film it or something next year for me to see!
Things are good! Training is great! She's got this missionary thing down. But we are having a member from another ward come up and spend a week with us this week and try out missionary life. So I'll be training 2 basically. I've got twins! Haha but yeah. That's gonna be a stress, but all things are possible with God :)