This week was full of strange but neat occurrences!
So first, we were helping V clean the church. So, we were getting all ready in the morning to head out when Sis Steindfeldt comes down that stairs limping. She said she had dropped one of our big, heavy whiteboards on her foot. It had already started bruising, and was swelling quick. So she wrapped it with some stretch wrap and we headed to the church. When we finished up there, V was gonna take us to lunch. Steindfeldt was getting way annoyed with her wrap, so in the car she took it off and shoved it in her bag. A few minutes down the road one of V's friends called and asked if she had any stretch wrap on her (because she's a nurse) to come over and help out one of her poor chickens who was born with some deformities. She replied with a laugh in her voice "No... but I'm with the sister missionaries and they happen to have some." What a crazy coincidence! So, we got to go over and help this lady out! I whipped out my vet tech skills and we wrapped the legs up nice, hoping they will straighten out on their own. We told the lady how funny it was that we happened to have the wrap on us and she said "Oh, it much be Jesus sending a sign!" I wanted to yell "YES!" But she's pretty strong in her faith, so we just went and helped her out, gave her our number if she ever needed anything and drove away. But it's true, it was no accident that we had that on us :) Maybe one day she will be open to hear the message.
Another neat thing! We were teaching our very old investigator, O. Now she has pretty bad Alzheimers, so she never remembers what she reads, which doesn't really help. So, we were thinking of dropping her just because she isn't accountable and just saying "Well, she will be prepared in heaven!" So we were going over, for what we thought was the last time, and her whole family happened to be there! How cool! So, we shared a quick message about faith, and gave them restoration pamphlets! One said she'd be back next week so we made her a new investigator! Sis Steindfeldt says "Well, I think we found out the reason for teaching O!"
HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!... Yesterday. But still!! There were some great talks given about fathers! And funny story there, I had to speak last minute! I looked at the program and it said "Sis Poulsen and Elder Hyman- speakers" AHHH I freaked out! I ran over and showed Elder Hyman... he went super white! But come to found out from Bishop- just before the meeting, he came over and told us that one of the youth speakers cancelled, and he was wondering if we could just bear a simple testimony. Phew, no big deal! But Elder Hyman said "I have been thinking about fathers... well, because it's Fathers Day. And since I can't spend this day with my father, I can spend it with my Heavenly Father." Oh boy, got my eyes a little damp! Both thinking about my daddy and my heavenly one. So thanks Dad, for being awesome, love you :) And let's all remember our Heavenly Father as well, and how much we love him as well : )
Something cool and southern, we went to Smithfield’s Chicken N' Bar-B-Q. It's supposed to be the best! Now their chicken... well, man, I am surprised I didn't have a heart attack right there eating all that grease.. but BOY it was super good! And the southern BBQ isn't anything like you'd expect. It isn't the BBQ you're thinking of, it is just a vinegar base with peppers. Super odd, but not bad! So there's my southern kick for the week :)
Now something to make you laugh: So, we were at a member’s home (the A’s) And we were telling them about the new mission president. We said "As soon as he steps on Virginia soil he will be the new Mission Pres.!" To which Brother A. replies "I haven't stepped on Virginia soil since Pocahontas died!" HAHAHA He is so crazy and very funny.
Speaking of the new mission president: That's gonna be super exciting! They will be set apart on the 22, and be here in the mission on the 27! And as I said before, as soon as he steps on the soil, all the authority and keys will go to him! Lots of prayers for them please!
Love y'all, and hope you have such a great week! Hear it is getting a little warm in your neck of the woods. Just think of it as me sending a little southern heat your way!
Till the next time :D
Love, Sista Poulsen
Bonus Stories:
Those storm videos you guys sent were pretty crazy! We have had a few storms here too, but you never really hear the thunder. But the other day may have been cause for concern... there were tornado clouds. Well at least we thought they were. Big and green and moving fast. But we didn't hear anything from anyone, so it was probably just our imaginations :)
I did want to tell you my homesickness is better. As I was reading the 4th missionary, it said that this is a new chapter in my life book and that nothing will ever be the same. I think that is my problem. That I am holding onto home too much, thinking when I get back it will all be the same. But in reality, it won't... it will be different... but even better! So yeah, that's how that is going.