Just an average week... in finding 3 new investigators! You're probably sick of me telling you all about these people but I just love em! I'll make it quick :) The first girl is W, she's super rad! She's all like "I need this in my life!" And when we were teaching her, her dog was SUPER distracting. So she put it out, and said "Stop it dog! I'm trying to hear the Word!" Haha I loved it! Black people are great :)
And our other investigator is C! The Elders met him on the blitz, but we finally met with him and had a brief follow up lesson and then jumped right into the Book of Mormon. We asked him if he had prayed to know if the restoration was true. He said "Yes, I prayed" "And?" we asked. "Yeah, it's true." Cool beans!! He is pumped to read the Book or Mormon and we are excited to follow up with him! He's shy, but when he prayed he thanked God for sending us and sharing the light!
The last was R. We dropped of a Book of Mormon that she requested a week ago, but she couldn't meet and talk with us at that time, so we went back this week. We sat down and had a good intro to the Book of Mormon lesson. But here's the best part. We walked in and her house smelled of very exotic food. She explained that she was preparing for an Ethiopian feast. She was cooking ground liver and kidney in a pan. And broiling some goat. Then she had big banana leaves spread our on a tin and was making some traditional bread in it. So cool!! But the down side? She smell stuck to our clothes, our bags, and our car now smells of liver. It is quite nasty. We are having a big laundry day today :)
Anyways, I thought I'd give y'all some laughs this week, cuz what's the point of life with out joy?! So our ward mission leader is just the best human. His name is Brother Bumanlag (Bro B for short). He's Filipino, and has a sweet accent. But man, he's just a crack up! And we aren't even sure if he knows it. Here’s a fun story: So in coordination (our favorite meeting of the week, we totally count down to Thursdays :)) It was Elder Carr's first meeting in Kempsville. Bro B said "I recognize you?" Elder Carr then says "Yeah, I served in Salem" (the other ward in our district). Bro B said "Oh yes that's right, I'm very active..." Hahaha!! He's just the funniest guy, and we just have a blast at coordination!
Babies galore! Everyone is getting ready to pop in our ward, it's pretty crazy! And several military dads have returned home from deployment, so that was cool to meet them! Their wives are so thankful :)
Did some more painting this week as well, I'll send some fun pics along with that :)
I'm becoming more and more confident in talking to people about the gospel. I think I had it too formal and strict in my head, when it is really not. The gospel message is simple. We have a God above who loves us all. Christ is our savior. Follow His teachings and you can have joy in this life and joy in the next. Done. We have taught quite a few restoration lessons this week, and each one is different! Catered differently in each lesson to the person we teach.
Thought for the week: These people are our brothers and sisters, so help them come back home to Father. I read that today in preach my gospel, and it really helped motivate me to go out and just talk to people! So, challenge for the week: Make someone’s day! Smile, wave, say hello, whatever! They are our siblings, and we should love them!
Have a blessed week y'all, stay out of trouble!
Love, Sister Poulsen