Hey everyone!
Sounds like a pretty chill week, so was ours! T and R are getting excited about baptism, and we made them this cute little calendar telling them all the lessons they need to have leading up to their baptism! We are having our WofW lesson this week, cross your fingers! Sister Brakey suggested we also give up something we love so we can all work on it together! We are giving up our Sonic treat breaks... pretty hard. :) But that will make it lots more personal and hopefully helpful for them!
MOVING! That was quite the adventure. We had our house all packed away in boxes and ready to go. Brother B. came at 12 on Friday and we got all the boxes over there in one trip! That was so great! Then around 2, Sister S1., S2., and B. came over to get lamps, refrigerator stuff, little shelves etc. But boy oh boy did we get more that that! In sister S1's words "My van is a truck. It is just disguised as a van." So we got our kitchen table, one huge awkward desk, our long bedside table, coffee table, and a shelf in sis Brakey’s closet in her van... and that was just one trip! We went back and got e
verything back out except for our beds, 2 couches, and 2 very heavy shelves. Women power! And it all got in and situated in our new apartment, which is up a flight of stairs and cuts a sharp corner by the way. And it's funny to think that we went into priesthood to ask for help first, when we should have gone to the women!
Now here is a down part of this story. Our poor mattresses. Bro P. came Friday afternoon after our morning adventure with the ladies. The sky was starting to get dark, the storm was upon us! So we jumped in our car and sped right over to our new apt. which was only 10 minutes away. As soon as we pulled out of our complex, the skies opened up and it was raining cats and dogs! Seriously, hardest rain since I've been here, and just when we had our mattresses exposed! Bro P. called and told us to just keep going. So we did. Our first obstacle was this slow dude on a scooter. Seriously, he was going like 5 MPH. So we get a text from Bro P: "Ram him." Haha! Next, we were stopped at an intersection, the cross traffic was backed up pretty bad. And some knuckle head was stopped right in the intersection. There are signs everywhere that say don't block the intersection. And just our luck, our light goes green, and they are at a standstill. Bro P. is just honking away, and we are trying to be as dignified as possible, but my nice comfy bed was growing mold as we were sitting there, so it was hard. There was finally enough room to get around him. Then, we had to make a right, but traffic was still backed up, so it was a tight squeeze to get into the right lane. We made it in our Toyota corolla, but with Bro P.'s 4 door full bed Ford, there was no way. So he off-roaded it and drove up onto the curb and back down onto the road, it was so great!
We finally made it... after all that crazyness! And of course, as soon as we get there, the rain ceases. God wanted a laugh I guess :) But Bro P. set us up with some hard core carpet fans, and a water extractor. So we worked on that the rest of the day, and set them up to dry for 12 hours. We got some sleeping bags, and had a sleep over in this new house with boxes surrounding us and the smell of new carpet. But in the morning, they seemed nice and dry and we are sleeping on them now! If they start to smell, we will call the mission office and get some help, so don't worry too much about us :)
Now as for Saturday, we had blocked out time to do all this for about 5 hours. It took 40 minutes. The L’s rolled up in their minivan, hauling this huge trailer and we pack the couch, shelves, and bed frames in there. Bro M. took our long couch, and we were ready to roll! Then with the Elders help, they got all that stuff up those stairs and into our apt in a snap! The best part was trying to get that big couch in. They had to lean it over the railing in order to get it into the door, it was way sketch! I could just imagine it falling off and snapping like a twig! But I would have been fine with that, they are super uncomfortable. But the mission would not be so happy, so they were careful :) Sis L. took a pic. We will try to get that from her and send it cuz it's amazing! There were angels holding up that other end, no doubt about it!
All in all, we are all settled in, and will be unpacking like crazy tomorrow! We are just gonna chill today :) It was a very fun adventure though, and we could not have done it without those ward members!
Well, on that very long note, here is the thought for the week: We don't know why things happen like they do. Why did God not withhold the rain for us? We prayed, why wasn't that prayer answered? Maybe we would have been in an accident if we would not have hurried. Maybe the prayer was answered cuz we were able to get fans and our beds are nice and dry now. We don't know, but He knows. And things will just happens His way, and in His time. Because he knows all, and He will help us.
Hope your week isn't quite as hectic as ours, but I hope it is even more miracle and blessed filled than ours! And that's a lot :)
Peace and Blessings, have a blessed day!
Love, Sista Poulsen
Bonus conversations:

Oh, and I almost forgot, we went and saw the sunrise on the beach today with the sisters in our zone! It was so pretty! We had to wake up at 4:45 to get there at 5:30, but it was worth it! I got a few pics, but both our cameras died before I could get a pic with Neptune!! I'm pretty sad about that, but hopefully I'll stay here another transfer and I'll get to go again!
Then we went to Duck Doughnuts, this place that Sis Brakey rages about all the days. I got a maple bacon one. It was pretty delicious! Not the most amazing thing ever, but pretty tasty. I'd go again!
So yeah, that was our morning adventures :) Love ya!
Answers to my questions:
“Do you get a chance to play the piano?”
Yeah! There is a piano in the church that I play if no one is there, so I try to play often! And if Elder Carr asks me to play in district meeting, we generally set time aside for me to go practice :)
"What do you sing in the shower these days?"
I haven't really sung anything. I mostly talk to myself in the bathroom. And the worst part is when Sister Brakey asks me what I was telling myself today. She can totes hear me, its way embarrassing :)